The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 53 – The Back to the Future Trilogy (1985 – 1990).
Synchronise your watches Film ‘89ers because in Episode 53, Richie and Skye (and their very special guest co-host) will be going in-depth as they discuss one of the all-time great movie trilogies, Back to the Future from 1985 and it’s two sequels filmed back to back and released in 1989 and 1990 respectively. They’ll be discussing the behind the scenes production of these amazing films as they always do when they cover the classics but also want to give our listeners their very personal analysis of what makes these films so special. But they’re not alone in this celebration of Back to the Future because they’re joined from New York by a very special guest. He’s a filmmaker, an artist, and is the producing partner of none other than actor Matthew Modine. He’s a rampant cinephile and has been a very good friend of ours since before Film ‘89 began, Mr Adam Rackoff. So sit back, rest your feet on your Hoverboard and enjoy this three hour celebration of the 35th anniversary of Back to the Future.

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